2011年8月18日 ─ 為促進香港、澳門、堔圳三地的冰球發展,香港冰球訓練學校邀得共13位澳門、堔圳小冰球手親臨東涌,體驗全港首個仿真冰場。
這13位小冰球手全都不過12歲,非常年輕,是冰球界的新希望。這班小球手獲香港冰球訓練學校的總教練、前加拿大國家冰球隊成員包比利(Barry Beck)親身落場指導冰球技巧,令其獲益良多;這13位小冰球手在活動尾段分組進行友誼賽,然而賽果只是其次,兩地球手能交流冰球心得,一同體驗冰球樂,才是香港冰球訓練學校是次舉辦這活動的目的。活動後,大會向他們致送紀念品,而香港冰球訓練學校創辦人及主席胡文新先生亦在場邊勉勵這班小朋友要繼續努力。
Synthetic Ice Rink – Exhibition Game
Macau, Shenzhen youth ice hockey player visiting Hong Kong
18th August, 2011 – To encourage ice hockey development between Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen, HKAIH invited 13 youth ice hockey players to visit Hong Kong and hold an exhibition game in the Synthetic Ice Rink.
All players were under 12 years old and they are all potential hockey players for the future. General Manager (Coach) Barry Beck coached the youth players on ice and at the end of event there was time for an exhibition game. The Founder & Chairman of HKAIH, Mr. Thomas Wu, was also in attendance on that day and cheered on the youth players.
The coach from the Macau team, Mr. Yan Dong, said during the exhibition game, “Youth players in Macau can train only once a week since there’s only one ice rink, which is mainly for figure skating and for the general public. Lack of ice-time is a major obstacle for the further development of the sport of ice hockey. Synthetic Ice is a great alternative if it is possible to build a similar synthetic ice rink in Macau.” Furthermore, Ai Di, the coach from Shenzhen also mentioned that the Synthetic Ice definitely aids the promotion and growth of the sport of ice hockey.
2011離島區青少年暑期活動 – 冰球體驗活動計劃
多位嘉賓應邀出席,包括全國人大常委梁愛詩博士, GBM, JP、香港冰球訓練學校主席胡文新先生、康樂及文化事務署副署長鄭錦榮先生, JP、離島區議會主席周玉堂先生, BBS, MH、離島民政事務專員劉錦泉先生, JP、 東涌安全健康城市督導委員會主席 周轉香女士, BBS, MH, JP及離島區家長教師會聯會主席梁兆棠校長。
「2011離島區青少年暑期活動 – 冰球體驗活動計劃 由7月19日至8月26日舉行。有來自東涌﹑長洲﹑石壁﹑貝澳等的四百多名小學生接受冰球訓練;而對外開放的同樂日,更讓一千二百多名離島區居民有機會體驗在仿真冰場上溜冰的樂趣。所有報名均經由學校及青少年團體處理」。活動由香港冰球訓練學校主辦,離島民政事務處及離島區議會協辦,並且得到香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助部分經費。
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Synthetic Ice Rink
2011 Islands District Youth Summer Program
The opening ceremony for the synthetic ice rink completed on July 18th, 2011 at HKFEW Wong Cho Bau School assembly hall.
Officiating guests of honor of the opening ceremony for the synthetic ice rink included: Dr. Elsie LEUNG, the Founder and Chairman of HKAIH Mr. Thomas WU, the Chairman of Island District Council Mr. CHOW Yuk-Tong, Island District Officer Mr. Danny LAU, and the Principle of HKFEW Wong Cho Bau School Mr. LEUNG Siu Tong.
Moreover, Canadian former professional ice hockey player (NHL), current HKAIH General Manager and Coach Barry Beck, has brought with him HKAIH students for an ON-ice demonstration, upon the completion of the opening ceremony.
With the high versatility of a synthetic ice rink, it can easily be disassembled and reassembled at different locations for ice hockey training purposes. With the synthetic ice rink being highly mobile, it can benefit people who are interested in ice hockey; however, who are unable to begin their training due to living in remote district areas. HKAIH will continue to promote ice hockey at different regions in Hong Kong, through developing additional programs similar to this event. Moreover, to seek a place of stability set that will ultimately cultivate ice hockey as a community sport.
Ice hockey training organizations from neighboring cities will also be invited to experience the event. Starting from Hong Kong, HKAIH is looking forward to spread the spirit of hockey culture to every corner of Southeast Asia.
More about Synthetic Ice: