HKFYG Jockey Club Community Team Sports Program Awards Presentation Ceremony
HKFYG Jockey Club Community Team Sports Program On ice trainings started in March and concluded in June with teams participating in games competing for the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in both U12 and U16 divisions. The awards presentation ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Sports Institute on July 3.
We thank all the participants for their hard work and hope to see everyone again in the next phase of the program.
香港青年協會賽馬會社區體育計劃的冰上訓練於3月開始而U12 及U16組別各隊伍亦已於6月進行賽事爭奪冠亞季軍。香港青年協會賽馬會社區體育盃頒獎典禮亦已於7月3日在香港體育學院舉行。
U12 |
冠軍 Champions |
香港青年協會賽馬會坪石青年空間 HKFYG JC Ping Shek Youth S.P.O.T. |
亞軍 1st Runner up |
香港青年協會荃灣青年空間 HKFYG Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. |
季軍 2nd Runner up |
香港青年協會賽馬會將軍澳青年空間 HKFYG JC Tseung Kwan O Youth S.P.O.T |
最佳球員 Best Player |
黃盛棋 Wong Sing Ki |
U18 |
冠軍 Champions |
香港青年協會賽馬會坪石青年空間 HKFYG JC Ping Shek Youth S.P.O.T. |
亞軍 1st Runner up |
香港青年協會賽馬會橫頭磡青年空間 HKFYG JC Wang Tau Hom Youth S.P.O.T. |
季軍 2nd Runner up |
香港青年協會賽馬會筲箕灣青年空間 HKFYG JC Shaukeiwan Youth S.P.O.T. |
最佳球員 Best Player |
陸如茵 Luk Yu Yan, Lily |