Synthetic Ice Rink

Synthetic ice rinks are a convenient tool for the promotion of ice hockey to the general public as it is not as limited as real ice. They are simple to assemble and the size can be altered very easily, allowing synthetic ice hockey to be played any time of the day.
The HKAIH installed synthetic ice rinks in HKFEW Wong Cho Bau Secondary School (removed, for 2011 summer youth program only), YPI & CA Lee Lim Ming College and Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School in 2011, 2012 and 2014 respectively. To increase the number of synthetic ice rinks in Hong Kong, the HKAIH is going to work with more local educational institutions and build synthetic ice rinks at schools. What’s more, HKAIH will promote a training program for ice hockey, in-line hockey and floor hockey to bring local primary and kindergarten students a more diverse P.E. course.


Synthetic Ice Rink and P.E. Lesson Launching Ceremony

On March 10, a Synthetic Ice and P.E. Lesson launching ceremony was held at Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School to celebrate the incorporation of ice hockey into the P.E. lesson of the primary school. Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education, Mr. Thomas Wu, Founder and Chairman of Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, Ms. Jenny Ng, Chairperson of the 35th Term Board of Directors of Yan Oi Tong, Mr. Tin Hing Sin, Chairman of Tin Ka Ping Foundation, and Mr. Tin Ding Sin, Dennis, School Supervisor, joined together to celebrate the launching of the synthetic ice rink and ice hockey lessons at Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School. Ice hockey demonstrations were organized for guests of the event.


Incorporation of Ice Hockey into Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School Physical Education Lessons (9-5-2014)

HKAIH is currently working with Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School to incorporate ice hockey training into the standard primary school P.E. lessons. This program aims to promote a training program for ice hockey, in-line hockey and floor hockey to bring local primary students a more diverse P.E. course. P.E. teachers will be trained on ice hockey topics such as safety issues, ice hockey background, equipment knowledge and ice hockey skills and techniques. With HKAIH coaches training students together with P.E. teachers, this provides sustainable ice hockey training for the primary school students.



香港冰球訓練學校分別於2011年的暑假在東涌黃楚標學校 (已拆卸,謹供該年暑假活動)、2012年在恩平工商會李琳明中學及2014年在仁愛堂田家炳小學的雨天操場開設仿真溜冰場。為進一步增加本港的仿真溜冰場,本校計劃於來年與更多本地辦學團體合作,在校舍內興建仿真溜冰場,讓學生及市民使用,為香港的小學及幼稚園學生帶來多元化的體育課程。



2015年3月10日下午,仁愛堂田家炳小學舉行了「仿真溜冰場啟用禮暨課程啟動日」; 當日邀得教育局局長吳克儉SBS太平紳士、香港冰球訓練學校創辦人暨董事局主席胡文新先生、仁愛堂第三十五屆董事局主席吳明珍女士、田家炳基金會田慶先主席、田家炳小學田定先校監出席主禮,與嘉賓共同慶祝溜冰場順利啟用,並一同觀賞冰球課程示範賽。


將冰球列為仁愛堂田家炳小學體育科之校本課程 (09-05-2014)





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